There are several medical issues pitbulls can have. Some of these include eye disease, gastric dilatation-volvulus, and hip dysplasia. If you are considering purchasing a pitbull for your family, you should know that there are pitbull medical issues to consider.
Canine hip dysplasia
Dogs with this condition may experience difficulty moving around. They may have a harder time jumping, running, and climbing stairs. Some dogs may display lethargy or be aggressive if they have limited range of motion. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to visit a veterinarian.
Hip dysplasia is a condition of the hip joint and can be inherited. It is a polygenetic condition and is influenced by several genes. A dog’s age, activity level, and lifestyle may also affect the risk of developing the condition. A veterinarian can perform a hip x-ray to make a diagnosis. There are three different types of x-rays that can be used to diagnose this condition. OFA hip x-rays are commonly used to detect this condition in dogs.
The best treatment for canine hip dysplasia is to diagnose and treat the condition early. Treatment is based on the stage of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, hip dysplasia can be cured through surgery. However, this is expensive and risky, and post-surgical rehabilitation can be prolonged.
Dogs with this medical problem can exhibit mild symptoms of the condition until middle age or older. While the symptoms can be subtle, the condition may be progressive, and the sooner you catch it the better. Fortunately, the early diagnosis of the condition can make the condition easier to manage.
In many cases, hip dysplasia can be successfully managed and canine hip surgery is a viable option. Proper diagnosis and treatment can prevent arthritis and allow your dog to lead a healthy life. A veterinarian can answer your questions and help you determine the best treatment option for your Pitbull.
Canine eye disease
A dog’s eye is a sensitive part of the body that can be easily damaged by external factors. Some common causes of dog eye inflammation include infection, autoimmune disease, trauma, tumors, and allergies. Dogs with inflammation of the eye often show redness and tearing. They may also squint or paw at the eye. If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, visit a veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis. Eye inflammation is commonly treated with ointments or eye drops.
Medications for conjunctivitis vary depending on the cause. If your dog’s eye disease is due to an allergic reaction, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the condition. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the condition. For some cases, a change in diet is enough to cure the problem. In the meantime, you can use at-home treatments to relieve symptoms. One popular home remedy for pet eye inflammation is cooled chamomile tea. This remedy should be applied to the affected eye using a cotton ball. Make sure to let the tea cool completely before applying.
Swollen eyes in dogs may be caused by a tumor, or a shallow eye socket, which is characteristic of brachycephalic breeds. A swollen eye may also be caused by allergies or a bacterial or fungal infection. Your veterinarian may recommend further testing to determine the underlying cause of the inflammation. Sometimes, a biopsy is needed to determine the nature of the tumor.
A veterinary ophthalmologist can diagnose your dog’s eye disease using a range of diagnostic equipment. Your dog’s eye doctor will examine the eyelids, cornea, and tear ducts. There are several symptoms of eye disease, including sensitivity to light, blinking excessively, and redness or swelling. In addition, your dog may paw at the eye.
Canine thyroid disease
When it comes to dog health issues, hypothyroidism is one of the most common, and often misdiagnosed. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include sluggishness, weight gain, and hair loss. Although hypothyroidism is not immediately visible, veterinarians can use a stepwise approach to determine if your Pitbull may be suffering from it.
A thorough canine thyroid profile can be used to rule out this medical problem, and measures total thyroxine (TT4), free thyroxine (FT4), and TgAA, which are all components of thyroid hormone. If these values are high, the condition is autoimmune, but low levels can be due to other causes.
Once your dog is diagnosed with thyroid disease, your veterinarian will prescribe a thyroid replacement hormone. The dosage will depend on your dog’s weight and thyroid levels, and you and your veterinarian may need to adjust the medication over time. Since your dog’s body will become tolerant to the medication, it is important to re-test your dog’s thyroid levels every six to twelve months.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism may include weight gain, shedding of hair, and changes in facial appearance and behavior. Hypothyroid dogs may also have nervous system problems and reproductive problems. Some dogs may also experience dragging of their hind legs, dry eye, and thickened facial skin. Ultimately, the condition may lead to kidney and heart failure.
If you suspect your Pitbull of hypothyroidism, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Diagnosis requires fast and accurate diagnosis. Because the condition can be secondary to other medical issues, it is important to get your pet evaluated as soon as possible.
Canine gastric dilatation-volvulus
Gastric dilatation-volvulus, also known as gastric torsion and gastric dilation, is a disorder of the stomach in dogs. It occurs when excessive gas content in the stomach overstretches the stomach, causing the stomach to become stretched outwards.
This is a life-threatening condition in dogs and requires immediate surgical intervention. It typically affects large-breed dogs. The condition occurs suddenly, often without warning, and prevents the stomach from emptying properly. It can lead to gastric ischemia, decreased venous return to the heart, myocardial injury, and sepsis.
The condition is also known as bloat, and can affect multiple breeds. The AKC Canine Health Foundation has a major research effort underway to identify its causes and to improve treatments. In 2013, the foundation launched a Bloat Research Initiative and funded two grants to help scientists learn more about the disorder. In September 2014, a special issue of Topics in Companion Animal Medicine was dedicated to the study of bloat.
In dogs, gastric dilatation and volvulus can result in cardiac and hypovolaemic shock. The condition is often curable, but it can be deadly if left untreated. Fortunately, there are several treatments for this disorder. The first one involves placing a stomach tube or performing a procedure called percutaneous trocharization.
Surgical treatment can help prevent GDV in some cases. Prophylactic gastropexy is recommended for dogs at a high risk for developing the condition. This procedure may be performed laparoscopically or via celiotomy. Incisional gastropexy is another treatment option. The risks of GDV are greater in large breeds than in small breeds. However, prophylactic gastropexy may be beneficial for dogs who have a high breed-related risk.
Postoperative management of gastric dilatation-volvulus involves pain management, appropriate perfusion, and monitoring for multiple organ dysfunction and sepsis. Bloodwork is important to differentiate a classic GDV from other conditions. X-rays will reveal a characteristic bilobe pattern of gas accumulation in the stomach. Blood tests will help the veterinarian determine the proper treatment.
Canine atopic dermatitis
While no vaccine is available to prevent canine atopic dermatitis, the symptoms are common and can be treated by reducing exposure to allergens. The first step in treatment is to find out which environmental triggers cause the allergic reactions. These can include diet, bedding, and general surroundings. Treatment may also include oral corticosteroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease the discomfort.
In addition to an extensive physical examination, veterinarians will conduct tests to determine if your dog is allergic to any particular allergen. These tests will help rule out other conditions and determine whether your dog is sensitive to specific medications. A complete blood count, serum biochemical profile, and T4 (thyroid) testing will help determine the exact cause of your dog’s atopic dermatitis. Some veterinarians may also administer blood tests to identify specific allergens.
Atopy is one of the most common skin diseases among dogs and is characterized by itching and scratching. Often, affected dogs will rub against walls or furniture to relieve themselves of the itching. The itching may cause self-inflicted cuts or abrasions on the skin. If left untreated, these open wounds may develop bacterial infections, causing further irritation and itching.
Although atopy is not a serious disease, it can be extremely frustrating for owners. In some cases, atopy can lead to secondary symptoms such as ear infections or bacterial skin infections. Fortunately, the symptoms of atopic dermatitis are often treatable with allergy treatments.
Pit bulls have a high risk for developing atopic dermatitis. This disorder may be caused by an allergy to a specific allergen or by a combination of environmental factors. Some pit bulls are affected year-round, while others may only develop atopic dermatitis after moving to a new home. Treatment options include regular treatments and special shampoos.